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Performances & Productions

We believe that performing and productions offer our children many opportunities to develop a wide-range of skills that extend beyond academic learning. Throughout the year, we aim to provide each year group with opportunities to perform to an audience. These opportunities allow children to not only develop their drama, singing and performance skills, but also their ability to work as a team, supporting each other, and also the opportunity to share their skills and talents.

Below are some of the performance opportunities that have been available this year.

Y5 perform 'Dragon Days'

Y3 perform 'Bee Musical'


Brass performances in our whole school assemblies


VAT Singing Festival


Please click here to view the event: VAT Singing Festival 2024 (


Y5 African ddrummers perform to families and also to mark the 10th year of the VAT


iRock assembly


Y1 perform at Christmas

Reception perform to families at Christmas

Y2 perform at Holy Trinity

Y3-Y6 perform at SS Peter & Paul



Charlton Primary School
OX12 7HG


01235 762861
