Charlton school fully recognises its responsibilities for child protection. It aims to ensure that children are effectively safeguarded from the potential risk of harm and that the safety and wellbeing of all children is of the highest priority in all aspects of the school’s work. In addition, it aims to maintain an ethos whereby staff, pupils, parents and governors feel able to articulate concerns comfortably, safe in the knowledge that effective action will be taken as appropriate.
Safeguarding Leads:
Mrs Heidi Thorne- Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Samantha Campbell & Mrs Katie Wolton – Designated Safeguarding Leads
Mr Steven Rose & Mrs Lyndsey Champ - DSL trained
Charlton Primary School's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy applies to all adults, including volunteers, working in or on behalf of the School and it is expected that everyone working in or for our School shares the responsibility to keep children safe from harm and abuse and reports any concerns to a designated lead.
Charlton's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
We welcome volunteers, including parents, into our school, but at all times ensure that such volunteers are suitable to work with children. Those who volunteer time with the children on a regular basis are required to undergo checks before they do so and a formal induction.
The value of direct teaching on the subjects of respect, healthy relationships and keeping oneself safe is recognised as a key feature of the school’s proactive and preventative approach to safeguarding. Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) teaching includes units on Healthy Me; Relationships and Changing Me. Across our PSHE curriculum, being safe is a key theme covered through a variety of units. Keeping safe is also taught through our computing curriculum, ensuring that online safety is a theme which runs throughout this curriculum area.
Our Relationships & Sex Education policy is available under our policies tab.